
Inflating Curiosity

Invisible, walking, creature which comes to life with air.

In collaboration with Christina Friis Blach Petersen, Gemma Brown, Yussef Hu, Jelka Kretzschmar, and Shobhan Shah. 

October 2015


Inflating Curiosity was a 24-hour interdisciplinary workshop hosted by Hiroshi Ishii, Felix Heibeck, and JIfei Ou of the Tangible Media Group at MIT Media Lab.

During this workshop, we created a creature that is invisible without air. It initially appears motionless, then comes to life when air is blown into it.
Our creature demonstrates and embraces the power of air, an element thats' invisibility and ubiquity often allows us to forget about it.

The creature's form was inspired by a combination of biomimetic forms and paper folding and cutting techniques.


More about the Inflating Curiosity Workshop:

[It] introduced ways of making and controlling transformable fabric to explore the emerging relationship between human and future material. The participants learned how to design transformable fabric structures that harness air for shape­-change. The provided open source tools gave the opportunity to explore a new medium, to create and explore new enabling technologies. The hands ­on workshop created a space where different disciplines meet and created a culture of common understanding to work across borders.'

